Polarity lexicon: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs, Adverbs
A data frame containing 8856 rows and 4 columns
- word
Chr. German word
- qualifier
Chr. Either "NEG" for negative, "POD" for positive, "NEU" for neutral, "SHI" for shifter (derbs that enhance the sentiment eg., horribly wrong, really good), or "INT" for intensifier, where INT<1 is a reduction factor, and INT>1 is a gain factor
- polarity_strength
num. Strength of polarity
- pos
Position in Sentence, "type of word" in grammatical phrase
Fahrni, Angela, and Manfred Klenner. "Old wine or warm beer: Target-specific sentiment analysis of adjectives." Proc. of the Symposium on Affective Language in Human and Machine, AISB. 2008. Clematide, Simon, and Manfred Klenner. "Evaluation and extension of a polarity lexicon for German." Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis. 2010.
Authors: Manfred Klenner, Simon Clematide, Michael Wiegand, Ronny Peters, #' Institute of Computational Linguistics, University of Zurich, Switzerland#' Version: 1.1. 2010/08/01 Contact: klenner@cl.uzh.ch
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