Data from an online dating/mating app experiment with IV "car as status symbol" (yes vs. no) and DV1 "matching" (number) and DV2 "message sent" (number). The principal research question was whether a luxury sports car (BMW Z4) on the individual profile portrait photo at an online dating app would have an influence on the number of contact requests and messages sent to this profile. Care was taken that the profiles showed no difference besides the car.
A data frame containing 5063 rows and 7 columns
- strawperson
Chr. DThere were 6 straw persons. ie., persons with a profile on the dating portal
- sex
Chr. Sex of strawperson
- car
Int. Whether a luxury sports car was on the profile picture or not
- date
Chr. Date mm/dd/yyyy
- Age
Int. Age
- ID_hash
Chr. Username anonymized
- comm_type
Type of communication by individuals: either matching or contact message
- whr
Numeric. Waist hip ratio of strawperson
- beauty
Subjective beauty rating of strawperson by rating committee
Please cite this dataset as: 'Sauer, S., & Wolff, A. (2016, August 16). The effect of status symbols on success in online dating: an experimental study. Retrieved from'
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